Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Module 2 Distance Education Communities

I would like to explore the higher education distance learning community in the state of Kentucky, specifically the Kentucky Community and Technical College System (KCTCS). KCTCS is comprised of 16 colleges with 68 campuses across the state and a total of 100,348 students. Our local college, West Kentucky Community and Technical College, is part of this system. Distance learning has become an integral component in student access and success due to the rural nature of our state. The primary delivery mode is worldwide web courses. KCTCS is a model in offering traditional Learn by Term classes as well as the relatively new modular Learn on Demand classes. These are open entry/open exit courses which are built into degree frameworks. The student can earn an entire degree online. To view information on the KCTCS Online Learn on Demand, go to:


Major issues in working with this system include the following: obtaining qualified faculty, measuring quality in course development, and continuing faculty development with interactive online learning and technological advances. There is a central database for faculty applications at the state level. We also have a local database. It is difficult to assess quality faculty when a face-to-face interview and teaching demonstration is not done. This could be accomplished with Wimba live classroom or some other mechanism; it is the time element that is the problem. On measuring quality of courses, we are using a rubric to evaluate each course for certain standard elements. As you can imagine, not all faculty that the Distance Learning Department is entering online classrooms for evaluation. Thoughts, anyone?Faculty development is being accomplished for local faculty through our Teaching/Learning Center. We also have a small library budget to purchase texts on interactive online teaching/learning. I ordered the Jossey-Bass series for our college:


I am concerned about the teaching/learning needs of the many adjunct faculty that we have. How do we provide for their training needs? Does anyone have recommendations for this?

Other issues confronting us are the use of publisher-made content versus instructor-made content in the course shells, and the use of interactive/open e-textbooks. The June 2010 issue of Campus Technology included a news article on interactive e-textbooks being used at Florida State University (Jacksonville) with the following link:
